New ventilation equipment put into operation in Baku Metro

The press service of the CJSC reported on Saturday that the process of replacing fans at the Baku Metro stations "Gara Garayev" and "Memar Ajemi" ("green line") is completed. According to the information, two new fans were put into operation at these stations in early June.
The electric motor power of these fans of the "VOM24R" type, produced by the Russian Machine Building Plant VENTPROM, is 75 kW with a performance of 60-65 m3/s. It is worth noting that extensive work is currently carried out to update the underground cable network with the fiber-optic cable, including in the ventilation system. The fans are manufactured under the contract with the manufacturer considering the customer's specifications and tested in the factory with the customer's participation.
The compliance of all technical parameters of the installations, control boards, control and reference data with the technical specifications of Baku Metro CJSC was verified.
The performance and technical parameters of the new fans fully correspond to the operating conditions of the Baku Metro. The operating mode of the new fans can be changed within 30 seconds.This is a very important issue in terms of strengthening security, ensuring a more flexible transition from one regime to another in emergency situations.
The manufacturer has built fan control systems according to the specifications of Baku Metro CJSC, based on Siemens and Schneider equipment.
Control cabinets equipped with a frequency converter are connected to the control room via Ethernet connection.
There are many advantages of such a connection provided with an optical cable.
Unlike previous systems, this system has significantly expanded the management functions.
So, using Ethernet, you can adjust the fan speed by changing the current frequency from 0 to 50 Hertz, change the fan operation mode at any speed, control the air valves to increase efficiency, and control other parameters. The technical indicants of the efficiency of new fans, the vibration limit, noise, and other parameters meet the worldwide requirements.
Despite the fact that the noise level is below the norm, the installation of modern noise cancellers, systems and devices that provide natural ventilation of stations and nearby tunnels will start in September. This year, the work on the installation of the remaining seven fans will be continued.
The dismantling of old equipment has begun in the Ulduz-Nariman Narimanov stations' tunnel shaft to install two powerful fans.A new fan will also be installed in the shaft of the Nizami station as it was planned before.
2019-08-13 16:50