The anniversary events continue!

On September 23, 2021, a research to practice conference was held at AMBP VENTPROM JSC:
“VENTPROM 80: a successful combination of experience and innovative solutions. Future technologies”.
 Employees and partners of AMBP VENTPROM JSC made presentations at the conference. Main topics were:
-                                 History and development of the Ventprom plant (Vyatkin, P.V.)
-                                 Ventprom in the digital age (Izhevskiy, R.P.)
-                                 History and trends of fan building in Russia (Kutaev, V.I.)
-                                 Ventprom products and basic design principles (Kutaev, D.V.)
-                                 Development of the impeller blades of the mine fans for operation at high rotor speeds (Krasyuk, A.M.)
 The conference was attended by partners of AMBP VENTPROM JSC from different business areas: International Association “Metro”; Electrical and Mechanical Services, Moscow Metro; Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Novosibirsk Metro”; EMUP (Ekaterinburg Municipal Unitary Enterprise) “Ekaterinburg Metro”; Baku Metro; Minsk Metro; Petersburg Metro, Institute of Mining SB RAS; UMMC; Uralgiproshakht JSC; UK KOLMAR LLC, OJSC Kuzbassgiproshakht; AO SUEK-Kuzbass; Norilsk Nickel; Novo-Shirokinsky Mine JSC, NIPII LENMETROGIPROTRANS JSC; OOO Engineering Company CenterProject; Raiffeisen Bank, YuKB; Siemens, and etc.
All representatives of enterprises (directors, managers, project engineers, chief specialists, heads of departments - more than 60 people) are our long-term partners, and we were glad to see them among the guests.
 On this day, all the plant workshops were open to the guests of the conference. We wanted to show the actual conditions in which our employees work, as well as the scale and quality of the industrial fans we produce. We are proud that AMBP VENTPROM is one of the leading mining engineering enterprises in our country, and our equipment successfully competes with European and Chinese counterparts.
 The evening program was no less intense. The new workshop that was put into operation last year turned into a stage where the excellent mood of the evening was supported by the hosts - Vyacheslav Myasnikov and Andrey Rozhkov, the artists of the Ural Pelmeni. VIA Gra and NEFT music bands performed for the guests. The celebrations ended late in the evening with a grand fireworks display.
2021-09-29 10:21