AMZ VENTPROM fans are installed at the high-tech Baku Metro.

Today Baku hosted the presentation of state-of-the-art systems manufactured by Thales, the French company. The systems are designed for the “purple” line of the Baku Metro, as Trend reports.The presentation was conducted by Mehmet Shahan, Head of Thales Azerbaijan representative office, and Mikhail Malinovsky, technical director.

The Baku Metro, which currently consists of three lines with a length of 36.6 km and 25 stations, will turn into a network of five lines with a length of 119.1 km and 76 stations.The line commissioned during the country's independence period and the two existing stations are equipped with leading-edge systems, and the upgrading process continues.Shahan noted that the staged installation of the systems began since the “purple” line was launched.
In prospect, all lines of the Metro will be equipped with the SCADA systems. “Now four Thales systems are being installed on the “purple” line.

The systems include the microprocessor system that monitors train traffic, the supervisory control, which already exists on the "purple" line, but in the future will cover the entire Metro, the Tetra radio communication system, which provides communication between a driver and a supervisor, the rolling stairs and engineering facilities control system, and other equipment.
Первая и третья системы уже функционируют на линии.
The first and third systems are already operating on the line.
The movement of trains on the "green" and "red" lines is carried out using SAT-ALI systems (automatic speed control, automatic locomotive control).
However, CBTC systems, or train control via radio waves, which is considered an up-to-the-minute technology, will start a completely new era in the Baku metro. The first changes will be made to the “purple” line.

This will improve the safety and speed of trains, reduce the intervals between them, and save energy," he said.Shahan added that two of the Azerbaijani-French documents – "Agreement on the study regarding the creation of the Operational Control Center" and "Agreement on the implementation of the signaling and telecommunication system of the Khojasan depot," signed by the First Vice President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva during her visit to France on March 11, 2019, concern the development of the Baku Metro in the coming years.In addition, seven fans, the service lives of which are coming to an end, will be replaced in Baku Metro this year, as Trend reports.The fans manufactured at AO Artyomovsk Machine Building Plant were selected to replace the old ones as they meet the requirements more than analogs.

Installation of two of them has already begun, and the other fans will be delivered to Baku by May.The new fans will significantly improve the quality of artificial ventilation in the tunnels.
While the previous fans had an operating capacity of 20–30 cubic meters per second, the new fans have 60–70 cubic meters per second.Besides, the works on the use of self-ventilation for tunnels and stations will begin this year.

For this purpose, we studied the features of the world's leading manufacturers` equipment and evaluated the possibility of its application, efficiency, and other technical details.

2019-04-15 17:26