AMBP VENTPROM celebrated 70th anniversary

Celebrations dedicated to the remarkable date of Artyomovski Machine-Building Plant Ventprom took place on September 22, 2011. On this day, the plant workers celebrated the 70th anniversary of their enterprise.

Top managers of Russian and foreign partners visited the plant, as well as representatives of Russian and Azerbaijani underground railway systems and heads of major mining companies.

A large research-to-practice conference was held for the guests, presenting the units produced by the plant and the latest achievements of the plant's workers in the scientific field.

"Our plant is a customer-oriented company. Therefore, we will be glad to hear your feedback, wishes, suggestions and even critics. All this will be a good incentive for us to improve our products and create highly reliable and cost-effective machines," said Oleg Gorshkov, General Director of AMBP Ventprom, at the opening ceremony.

The VOM-18R unit that leads the range of fans for underground ventilation and other fan models were presented to the guests during the event.

Apart from the fan units, guests could also see the new lathes and milling machines, plasma torches and lock formers.
2011-09-23 13:05